There are times in life for all of us that we just need ” space” mentally to recharge , to let go , to find peace.
The body has only way of talking to us, physical symptoms within us ,are the expression of that language ,usually accumulated over weeks ,months even years .
We feel them , ignore them and the message gets a little louder through a increase in the symptoms and really , the body is saying ” Look after me” be a little kinder to me
I wonder as you read this, if it resonates with you, this message
Perhaps you have been all things to everyone, answering everyone else’s call before your own ?
In 2002 study at the John F. Kennedy Institute (Kjaer et al) found that dopamine levels were boosted by a gigantic 65% during meditation!
Perhaps more importantly, the meditators’ dopamine levels remained high and tight, day and night. In other words, no crashing
The art of mediation offers us space and through spoken words ,we often find the doorway to recovery
Dr Bruce lipton who wrote a book called “the biology of belief” he claimed that since our cells ,DNA and genes are manipulated by the mind, then we can begin to thinks our way to health and vitality
First to create the space and then encourage the chemicals in the mind by connecting to peace and that can be achieved by meditation
On our website SHOP | Spiritual Healing ,we have several meditations that may help you create the space you need