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Rose – ‘After the Rain’


A tonic for the mind when you’re feeling blue..

The base ingredients of all of the balms are the same. They are and infused with Rosemary, Lavender, delete and Cinnamon, Whole Cloves and Juniper Berries.  This balm also contains essential oil of Rose Absolute and Bach Flower Remedy, Gorse,  Mimulus, Olive and Aspen.

Rose – ‘After the Rain’

The base ingredients of all of the balms are the same. They are  infused with Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Whole cloves and Juniper Berries. This balm also contains essential oil of Rose Absolute and Bach Flower Remedies, Gorse, Mimulus, Olive and Aspen.

You will notice that all of the balms are named after people or something personal. This ‘Rose’ balm, which is beautiful. is named after my mother, Rose,  and the title is; ‘After the Rain’.

When we were children and dad was fed up of us being in the house, our mother would take us for walks around the  houses in the fields. It was usually after a storm,  this was the best time, as it was clear of mugginess and so the title is “After the Rain.” Also, her name carries the qualities of the balm.

‘Rose’ is known as the ‘Queen of Oils’ and has been given the gift of being able to have the freedom to roam. She will give you the emotional trait that you need at the right time. Renowned for lifting depression and anxiety. In fact she is so much more than that. ‘Rose’ has the ability to have an ‘all round’ healing quality.

‘Rose’ soothes fear, anxiety and feelings of anger, frustration, resentment and jealously. It eases grief, encouraging contentment and dissipating guilt. In fact it will match your emotional unrest in any area of your mind.  Since most of these emotional states are commonplace, it seems it would be a good idea  to carry this balm around with you in your pocket. It acts as the most wonderful tonic for the mind and spirit.

Imagine opening a curtain to let in the sunshine, then the window which allows in not just the light but the feeling of air and its warmth upon your skin.

Your response is immediate as this combination floods your senses with these wonderful qualities. Rose is similar in her ability to change and flood your mind with the light you need, hence Rose’s reputation for lifting depression and anxiety. In fact, her qualities go way beyond that and is a ‘healer of remarkable substance’. Rose is the mother of all oils.

Her gift of subtly adding courage where you once felt weak, her ability to ease despair where you once felt alone, her ability to evoke laughter and to see the light through any emotional pain are all imbibed within the balms.

Affirm, daily with this balm, ” All I need is within me now, although I cannot see it perhaps, I understand that everything is unfolding exactly as it should and I am not alone in the life.  I am loved, I am safe and secure even in the worst of storms. I will come through this passage a wiser and stronger soul”

The balm contains Pure Rose essential oil, not blended.