Base Ingredients; Lime, Hornbeam, Olive, Ramsons, Clematis, Wild Rose, Oak, Elm, Tansy, Mullein and Gentian in equal amounts. Apply this balm when you are in need of revitalisation.
Cleansing, refreshing and stimulating. This wonderful balm has the ability to remind you of a time in your life when life was refreshingly simple. As you apply this balm, a light, joy and a sense of fun come forth.
Imagine someone walks into the room whose spirit is so light and fun loving that it becomes infectious and quite instantly your mood is lifted just by their presence. As you apply this balm, its uplifting and very refreshing qualities open up the senses and raise the spirit, reminding you that life is wonderful.
It reminds us to celebrate life, it activates a ‘feel good’ chemical in the brain and releases memories of times gone by that remind you of a similar feeling in your past.
This is a balm that you will feel is infectious and its qualities fill your system with lightness and a mood that can only be described as ‘Refreshingly Simple’.
Affirm as you apply this balm, “I open my life to receive all that is good, I let go of all anxiety and I lift my spirit high, all is well in my life. From this day forth I look forward to a better future, one that brings me the richness of spirit and of wealth”.