Base ingredients; May Chang, Tinctures of the flowers of Centaury, Pine, Honeysuckle, Larch, Buttercup, Limulus, Tansy, Walnut, Cerato and Elm in equal amounts. This balm will open your path if you are in a stage in life, for whatever reason, where you feel stuck or entrapped with no way out, then this is the balm for you.
As you apply the balm, affirm to yourself, “My path opens up and I step forward confidently in the direction that I need to go”.
You will find that as you apply the balm on a daily basis that the right things will enter your life in the form of coincidences. Bringing clarity to the mind, May Chang has the most wonderful way of opening up one’s mind so that you can clarify the way forward in life. It carries with it a prayer – and as you apply the balm, it allows you to see before you a clearer path. It guides and opens the mind in the most beautiful way, allowing grace in her many forms to reveal itself in your life.
This balm helps to steady and anchor the nervous system to hope on a very spiritual level allowing you to pass through any impasse in your life. This balm will lift your mood and spirit along with giving clarity and guidance as it has the ability to open the mind to hear the voice of intuition.
Imagine a hand that reaches out towards you and then opens up and a voice that says; “Allow me to guide you through, take this gift”.
This wonderful balm has the ability to bring clarity to the mind – as if opening a door in which you can pass through towards your goals with confidence and with a lightness of the spirit.
Antidepressant, gives pain relief from tension headaches, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, carminative, hypertensive, insecticide, stimulant and tonic. A little goes a long way…. simply rub into temples, your wrists or the soles of your feet.
Begin to see your life as a story, and like the best stories there will be many different chapters and many different experiences, each will pass in time.