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Sweet Orange – Sweet Victory ‘The E H Formula’


The EH Formula: The base ingredients of this balm are Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Whole Cloves and Juniper Berries. In this balm I have also added essential oil of Sweet Orange and the Bach Flower tinctures of the flowers of Centaury, Pine, Honeysuckle, Larch, Buttercup, Limulus, Tansy, Walnut, Cerato and Elm in equal amounts to give it the qualities that make this balm unique.

This balm was named after a great friend of mine. E.H are his initials, a man who gave me confidence in myself when I doubted that all would work out. The qualities of this man are strength, courage, tenacity and faith,  yet gentle and kind.  This balm, in so many ways, reflect those attributes which are infused in this balm. If you feel low, a lack of self worth or lack of confidence this balm is for you.

If you need courage to do something in life, then this is the balm to apply daily along with the affirmations suggested in the booklet.  Most people have probably heard the phrase ”When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” But that doesn’t necessarily mean the teacher is always a person and most likely the teacher will be an ‘experience’ in life.

So hold on to this fact and understand if you are going through a tough time that you will come through  and on reflection you will understand the ‘why it happened.’ Until then, take courage from this balm and apply daily. As with all of these balms, coincidences will occur in such a way that is personal to you and with that will come great comfort that you do not travel this path alone.

Affirm, ” My courage and strength rise up to meet the challenges I face and I step forward with courage and conviction that everything will work out perfectly in time”  “Victory is mine”.